Sanyo SCP3810

Se este registro contém informações erradas, favor adicione um novo registro com as informações corretas e o registro será substituído após revisão. Todos os registros foram preenchidos por usuários e não há garantia de que eles estão corretos.

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Funções Suportadas


connection = fbusdlr3
model = unknown

Nota do Relator


--------------- System information ---------------- Platform linux2 Python 2.7.2+ wxPython Wammu 0.35 python-gammu 1.30.0 Gammu 1.30.0 Bluetooth PyBluez locales en_US (UTF-8) connection at115200 device /dev/ttyACM0 model
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:03: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:03: [Connection - "at"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:03: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:03: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:03: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM0"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:03: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:03: Serial device: DTR is up, RTS is up, CAR is down, CTS is up Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:03: Setting speed to 19200 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:03: [Module - "auto"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:03: Escaping SMS mode Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x02/2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:03: 1B |0D ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:03: Sending simple AT command to wake up some devices Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x03/3 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:03: 41A|54T|0D AT.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:04: 1 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:04: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x04/4 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:04: 4FO|4BK|0D |0A OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:04: Enabling echo Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:04: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:04: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D ATE1.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:04: 1 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:04: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x04/4 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:04: 4FO|4BK|0D |0A OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:04: Trying Motorola mode switch Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:04: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:04: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D AT+MODE=2.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:05: 1 "AT+MODE=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:05: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:05: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:05: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+MODE=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:05: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:05: Seems not to be supported Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:05: Enabling CME errors Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:05: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:05: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D AT+CMEE=1.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:05: 1 "AT+CMEE=1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:05: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:05: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:05: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CMEE=1...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:05: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:05: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:05: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|322|0D AT+CMEE=2.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:05: 1 "AT+CMEE=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:05: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:05: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:05: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CMEE=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:05: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:05: CME errors could not be enabled, some error types won't be detected. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:05: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:05: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D AT+CSCS?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:06: 1 "AT+CSCS?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:06: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:06: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:06: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CSCS?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:06: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:06: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:06: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:06: 1 "AT+CGMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:06: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:06: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:06: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMI...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:06: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:06: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:06: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: 1 "ATI3" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: 2 "Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x27/39 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D |0D |0A |56V|65e|72r|3A:|311|2E.|300|300|333 ATI3...Ver:1.003 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: 42B|54T|20 |20 |20 |2C,|50P|52R|4CL|3A:|333|311|300|300|311|0D BT ,PRL:31001. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: 0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: Manufacturer info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: [Manufacturer: Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CSCS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: 1 "AT+CSCS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CSCS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: INFO: assuming GSM charset Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: Getting model Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D AT+CGMM.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: 1 "AT+CGMM" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMM...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:07: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D ATI4.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:08: 1 "ATI4" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:08: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:08: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:08: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATI4...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:08: Unknown model, but it should still work Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:08: [Model name: OK'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:08: [Model data:'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:08: [Model data: unknown'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:08: [Connected model - "OK"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:08: Checking for OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:08: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:08: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPROT=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:08: 1 "AT+CPROT=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:08: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:08: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x14/20 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:08: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R AT+CPROT=?...ERR Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:08: 4FO|52R|0D |0A OR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:08: Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:08: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0C/12 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:08: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D AT+SYNCML=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:09: 1 "AT+SYNCML=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:09: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:09: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x15/21 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:09: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R AT+SYNCML=?...ER Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:09: 52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A ROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:09: Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:09: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:09: 41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D AT$TSSPCSW=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:09: 1 "AT$TSSPCSW=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:09: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:09: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:09: 41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E AT$TSSPCSW=?...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:09: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:09: [Module - "A2D|iPAQ|at|M20|S25|MC35|TC35|C35i|S65|S300|5110|5130|5190|5210|6110|6130|6150|6190|6210|6250|6310|6310i|6510|7110|8210|8250|8290|8310|8390|8850|8855|8890|8910|9110|9210"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:09: Escaping SMS mode Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:09: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x02/2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:09: 1B |0D .. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:09: Sending simple AT command to wake up some devices Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:09: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x03/3 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:09: 41A|54T|0D AT. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:09: 1 "AT" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:09: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:09: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:09: 41A|54T|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A AT...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Enabling echo Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D ATE1. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 1 "ATE1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATE1...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Trying Motorola mode switch Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D AT+MODE=2. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 1 "AT+MODE=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+MODE=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Seems not to be supported Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Enabling CME errors Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D AT+CMEE=1. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 1 "AT+CMEE=1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CMEE=1...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|322|0D AT+CMEE=2. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 1 "AT+CMEE=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CMEE=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: CME errors could not be enabled, some error types won't be detected. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D AT+CSCS?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 1 "AT+CSCS?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CSCS?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 0D |0A .. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 1 "AT+CGMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMI...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 1 "ATI3" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 2 "Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x27/39 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D |0D |0A |56V|65e|72r|3A:|311|2E.|300|300|333 ATI3...Ver:1.003 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 42B|54T|20 |20 |20 |2C,|50P|52R|4CL|3A:|333|311|300|300|311|0D BT ,PRL:31001. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Manufacturer info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: [Manufacturer: Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CSCS=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 1 "AT+CSCS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CSCS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: INFO: assuming GSM charset Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Checking for OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPROT=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 1 "AT+CPROT=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x14/20 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R AT+CPROT=?...ERR Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 4FO|52R|0D |0A OR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0C/12 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D AT+SYNCML=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 1 "AT+SYNCML=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x15/21 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R AT+SYNCML=?...ER Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A ROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D AT$TSSPCSW=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 1 "AT$TSSPCSW=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E AT$TSSPCSW=?...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Getting firmware versions Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|52R|0D AT+CGMR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 1 "AT+CGMR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|52R|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMR...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|49I|355|0D ATI5. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 1 "ATI5" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|49I|355|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATI5...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Received firmware version: "OK," Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Number version is "0.000000" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: [Firmware version - "OK,"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: [Connected] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Entering GSM_GetModel Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Getting model Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D AT+CGMM. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 1 "AT+CGMM" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMM...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D ATI4. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 1 "ATI4" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATI4...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Unknown model, but it should still work Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: [Model name:OK'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: [Model data: '] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: [Model data:unknown'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: [Connected model - "OK"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Leaving GSM_GetModel Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Entering GSM_GetManufacturer Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 1 "AT+CGMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMI...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 1 "ATI3" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 2 "Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x27/39 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D |0D |0A |56V|65e|72r|3A:|311|2E.|300|300|333 ATI3...Ver:1.003 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 42B|54T|20 |20 |20 |2C,|50P|52R|4CL|3A:|333|311|300|300|311|0D BT ,PRL:31001. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Manufacturer info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: [Manufacturer: Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Leaving GSM_GetManufacturer Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Entering GSM_SetIncomingSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: GSM_SetIncomingSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|57W|41A|3D=|300|0D AT+CCWA=0.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 1 "AT+CCWA=0" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|57W|41A|3D=|300|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CCWA=0...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Disabling incoming call notification Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCB Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4EN|4DM|49I|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CNMI=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 1 "AT+CNMI=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4EN|4DM|49I|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CNMI=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: GSM_SetIncomingCB failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingCB Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Entering GSM_SetIncomingUSSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Terminating possible incoming USSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|55U|53S|44D|3D=|322|0D AT+CUSD=2.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 1 "AT+CUSD=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|55U|53S|44D|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CUSD=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Disabling incoming USSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|55U|53S|44D|3D=|300|0D AT+CUSD=0.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 1 "AT+CUSD=0" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|55U|53S|44D|3D=|300|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CUSD=0...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: GSM_SetIncomingUSSD failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingUSSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: [Terminating] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:10: [Closing] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:35: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:35: [Connection - "at"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:35: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:35: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:35: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM0"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:35: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:35: Serial device: DTR is up, RTS is up, CAR is down, CTS is up Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:35: Setting speed to 19200 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:35: [Module - "auto"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:35: Escaping SMS mode Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:35: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x02/2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:35: 1B |0D ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:35: Sending simple AT command to wake up some devices Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:35: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x03/3 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:35: 41A|54T|0D AT.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:36: 1 "AT" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:36: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:36: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:36: 41A|54T|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A AT...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:37: Enabling echo Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:37: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:37: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D ATE1.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:37: 1 "ATE1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:37: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:37: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:37: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATE1...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:37: Trying Motorola mode switch Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:37: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:37: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D AT+MODE=2.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:37: 1 "AT+MODE=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:37: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:37: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:37: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+MODE=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:37: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:37: Seems not to be supported Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:37: Enabling CME errors Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:37: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:37: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D AT+CMEE=1.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:38: 1 "AT+CMEE=1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:38: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:38: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CMEE=1...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:38: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:38: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|322|0D AT+CMEE=2.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:38: 1 "AT+CMEE=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:38: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:38: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CMEE=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:38: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:38: CME errors could not be enabled, some error types won't be detected. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:38: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D AT+CSCS?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: 1 "AT+CSCS?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CSCS?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: 1 "AT+CGMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMI...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: 1 "ATI3" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: 2 "Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x27/39 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D |0D |0A |56V|65e|72r|3A:|311|2E.|300|300|333 ATI3...Ver:1.003 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: 42B|54T|20 |20 |20 |2C,|50P|52R|4CL|3A:|333|311|300|300|311|0D BT ,PRL:31001. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: 0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: Manufacturer info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: [Manufacturer: Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CSCS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:40: 1 "AT+CSCS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CSCS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:40: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:40: INFO: assuming GSM charset Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:40: Getting model Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D AT+CGMM.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:40: 1 "AT+CGMM" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMM...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:40: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:40: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D ATI4.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: 1 "ATI4" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATI4...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: Unknown model, but it should still work Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: [Model name: OK'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: [Model data:'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: [Model data: unknown'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: [Connected model - "OK"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: Checking for OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPROT=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: 1 "AT+CPROT=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x14/20 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R AT+CPROT=?...ERR Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: 4FO|52R|0D |0A OR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0C/12 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D AT+SYNCML=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: 1 "AT+SYNCML=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x15/21 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R AT+SYNCML=?...ER Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: 52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A ROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:41: 41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D AT$TSSPCSW=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:42: 1 "AT$TSSPCSW=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:42: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:42: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:42: 41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E AT$TSSPCSW=?...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:42: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:42: [Module - "A2D|iPAQ|at|M20|S25|MC35|TC35|C35i|S65|S300|5110|5130|5190|5210|6110|6130|6150|6190|6210|6250|6310|6310i|6510|7110|8210|8250|8290|8310|8390|8850|8855|8890|8910|9110|9210"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:42: Escaping SMS mode Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:42: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x02/2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:42: 1B |0D .. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:42: Sending simple AT command to wake up some devices Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:42: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x03/3 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:42: 41A|54T|0D AT. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:42: 1 "AT" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:42: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:42: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:42: 41A|54T|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A AT...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Enabling echo Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D ATE1. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "ATE1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATE1...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Trying Motorola mode switch Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D AT+MODE=2. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "AT+MODE=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+MODE=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Seems not to be supported Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Enabling CME errors Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D AT+CMEE=1. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "AT+CMEE=1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CMEE=1...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|322|0D AT+CMEE=2. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "AT+CMEE=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CMEE=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: CME errors could not be enabled, some error types won't be detected. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D AT+CSCS?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "AT+CSCS?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CSCS?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 0D |0A .. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "AT+CGMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMI...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "ATI3" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x27/39 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D |0D |0A |56V|65e|72r|3A:|311|2E.|300|300|333 ATI3...Ver:1.003 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 42B|54T|20 |20 |20 |2C,|50P|52R|4CL|3A:|333|311|300|300|311|0D BT ,PRL:31001. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Manufacturer info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: [Manufacturer: Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CSCS=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "AT+CSCS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CSCS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: INFO: assuming GSM charset Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Checking for OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPROT=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "AT+CPROT=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x14/20 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R AT+CPROT=?...ERR Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 4FO|52R|0D |0A OR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0C/12 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D AT+SYNCML=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "AT+SYNCML=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x15/21 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R AT+SYNCML=?...ER Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A ROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D AT$TSSPCSW=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "AT$TSSPCSW=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E AT$TSSPCSW=?...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Setting date & time Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x1F/31 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3D=|22"|311|322|2F/|300|355|2F/|322 AT+CCLK="12/05/2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 311|2C,|311|366|3A:|322|355|3A:|344|333|2B+|300|300|22"|0D 1,16:25:43+00". Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "AT+CCLK="12/05/21,16:25:43+00"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x28/40 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3D=|22"|311|322|2F/|300|355|2F/|322 AT+CCLK="12/05/2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 311|2C,|311|366|3A:|322|355|3A:|344|333|2B+|300|300|22"|0D |0D 1,16:25:43+00".. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A .ERROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Getting firmware versions Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|52R|0D AT+CGMR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "AT+CGMR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|52R|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMR...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|49I|355|0D ATI5. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "ATI5" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|49I|355|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATI5...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Received firmware version: "OK," Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Number version is "0.000000" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: [Firmware version - "OK,"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: [Connected] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Enabling incoming call notification Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4CL|49I|50P|3D=|311|0D AT+CLIP=1. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "AT+CLIP=1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4CL|49I|50P|3D=|311|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CLIP=1...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: GSM_SetIncomingCall failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "AT+CSQ" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "+CSQ: 22, 99" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1D/29 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|51Q|3A:|20 |322 AT+CSQ...+CSQ: 2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 322|2C,|20 |399|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A 2, 99....OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Signal quality info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Parsing +CSQ: 22, 99 with +CSQ: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Parsed int 22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Parsed int 99 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Entering GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Getting battery charge Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D AT+CBC. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "AT+CBC" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "+CBC: 0,309" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1C/28 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|42B|43C|3A:|20 |300 AT+CBC...+CBC: 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2C,|333|300|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ,309....OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Battery level received Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Parsing +CBC: 0,309 with +CBC: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Parsed int 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Parsed int 309 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Leaving GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Entering GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Getting date & time Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D AT+CCLK?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "AT+CCLK?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CCLK?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 0D |0A .. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: GSM_GetDateTime failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Leaving GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Entering GSM_GetMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Location = 1, Memory type = ON Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPBS=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "AT+CPBS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPBS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Falling back to default memories list: "ME","SM","DC","ON","LD","FD","MC","RC" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Setting memory type Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4FO|4EN|22"|0D AT+CPBS="ON". Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "AT+CPBS="ON"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4FO|4EN|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPBS="ON"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: GSM_GetMemory failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Leaving GSM_GetMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Entering GSM_GetSMSC Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Getting SMSC Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|41A|3F?|0D AT+CSCA?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "AT+CSCA?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|41A|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CSCA?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 0D |0A .. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: GSM_GetSMSC failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Leaving GSM_GetSMSC Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Entering GSM_GetIMEI Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Getting IMEI Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|53S|4EN|0D AT+CGSN. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "AT+CGSN" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|53S|4EN|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGSN...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: GSM_GetIMEI failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Leaving GSM_GetIMEI Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Entering GSM_GetManufacturer Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "AT+CGMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMI...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "ATI3" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x27/39 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D |0D |0A |56V|65e|72r|3A:|311|2E.|300|300|333 ATI3...Ver:1.003 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 42B|54T|20 |20 |20 |2C,|50P|52R|4CL|3A:|333|311|300|300|311|0D BT ,PRL:31001. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Manufacturer info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: [Manufacturer: Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Leaving GSM_GetManufacturer Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Entering GSM_GetModel Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Getting model Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D AT+CGMM. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "AT+CGMM" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMM...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D ATI4. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "ATI4" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATI4...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Unknown model, but it should still work Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: [Model name:OK'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: [Model data: '] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: [Model data:unknown'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: [Connected model - "OK"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Leaving GSM_GetModel Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Entering GSM_GetFirmware Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Getting firmware versions Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|52R|0D AT+CGMR.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "AT+CGMR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|52R|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMR...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|49I|355|0D ATI5.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "ATI5" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|49I|355|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATI5...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Received firmware version: "OK," Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Number version is "0.000000" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: [Firmware version - "OK,"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Leaving GSM_GetFirmware Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Entering GSM_GetSecurityStatus Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: Getting security code status Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|49I|4EN|3F?|0D AT+CPIN?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 1 "AT+CPIN?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|49I|4EN|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CPIN?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:43: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:44: GSM_GetSecurityStatus failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:44: Leaving GSM_GetSecurityStatus Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: Entering GSM_GetMemoryStatus Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: Setting memory type Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPBS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 1 "AT+CPBS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPBS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: Checking availability of SBNR Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 41A|54T|5E^|53S|42B|4EN|52R|3D=|3F?|0D AT^SBNR=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 1 "AT^SBNR=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 41A|54T|5E^|53S|42B|4EN|52R|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT^SBNR=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: Checking availability of SPBR Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|50P|42B|52R|3D=|3F?|0D AT+SPBR=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 1 "AT+SPBR=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|50P|42B|52R|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+SPBR=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: Checking availability of MPBR Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|50P|42B|52R|3D=|3F?|0D AT+MPBR=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 1 "AT+MPBR=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|50P|42B|52R|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+MPBR=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: GSM_GetMemoryStatus failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: Leaving GSM_GetMemoryStatus Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: Entering GSM_GetNextMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: Location = -1, Memory type = ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: Setting memory type Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPBS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 1 "AT+CPBS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPBS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: GSM_GetNextMemory failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: Leaving GSM_GetNextMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: Entering GSM_GetMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: Location = 1, Memory type = ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: Setting memory type Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPBS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 1 "AT+CPBS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPBS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: GSM_GetMemory failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:49: Leaving GSM_GetMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: 1 "AT+CSQ" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: 2 "+CSQ: 22, 99" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1D/29 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|51Q|3A:|20 |322 AT+CSQ...+CSQ: 2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: 322|2C,|20 |399|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A 2, 99....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: Signal quality info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: Parsing +CSQ: 22, 99 with +CSQ: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: Parsed int 22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: Parsed int 99 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: Entering GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: Getting battery charge Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D AT+CBC.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: 1 "AT+CBC" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: 2 "+CBC: 0,309" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1C/28 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|42B|43C|3A:|20 |300 AT+CBC...+CBC: 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: 2C,|333|300|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ,309....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: Battery level received Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: Parsing +CBC: 0,309 with +CBC: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: Parsed int 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: Parsed int 309 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: Leaving GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: Entering GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: Getting date & time Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D AT+CCLK?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: 1 "AT+CCLK?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CCLK?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: GSM_GetDateTime failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:52: Leaving GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: Entering GSM_GetMemoryStatus Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: Setting memory type Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|53S|4DM|22"|0D AT+CPBS="SM".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: 1 "AT+CPBS="SM"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|53S|4DM|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPBS="SM"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: GSM_GetMemoryStatus failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: Leaving GSM_GetMemoryStatus Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: Entering GSM_GetNextMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: Location = -1, Memory type = SM Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: Setting memory type Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|53S|4DM|22"|0D AT+CPBS="SM".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: 1 "AT+CPBS="SM"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|53S|4DM|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPBS="SM"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: GSM_GetNextMemory failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: Leaving GSM_GetNextMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: Entering GSM_GetMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: Location = 1, Memory type = SM Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: Setting memory type Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|53S|4DM|22"|0D AT+CPBS="SM".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: 1 "AT+CPBS="SM"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|53S|4DM|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPBS="SM"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: GSM_GetMemory failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:25:58: Leaving GSM_GetMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: 1 "AT+CSQ" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: 2 "+CSQ: 22, 99" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1D/29 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|51Q|3A:|20 |322 AT+CSQ...+CSQ: 2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: 322|2C,|20 |399|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A 2, 99....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: Signal quality info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: Parsing +CSQ: 22, 99 with +CSQ: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: Parsed int 22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: Parsed int 99 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: Entering GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: Getting battery charge Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D AT+CBC.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: 1 "AT+CBC" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: 2 "+CBC: 0,309" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1C/28 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|42B|43C|3A:|20 |300 AT+CBC...+CBC: 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: 2C,|333|300|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ,309....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: Battery level received Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: Parsing +CBC: 0,309 with +CBC: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: Parsed int 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: Parsed int 309 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: Leaving GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: Entering GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: Getting date & time Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D AT+CCLK?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: 1 "AT+CCLK?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CCLK?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: GSM_GetDateTime failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:22: Leaving GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: 1 "AT+CSQ" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: 2 "+CSQ: 22, 99" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1D/29 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|51Q|3A:|20 |322 AT+CSQ...+CSQ: 2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: 322|2C,|20 |399|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A 2, 99....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: Signal quality info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: Parsing +CSQ: 22, 99 with +CSQ: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: Parsed int 22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: Parsed int 99 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: Entering GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: Getting battery charge Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D AT+CBC.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: 1 "AT+CBC" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: 2 "+CBC: 0,309" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1C/28 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|42B|43C|3A:|20 |300 AT+CBC...+CBC: 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: 2C,|333|300|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ,309....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: Battery level received Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: Parsing +CBC: 0,309 with +CBC: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: Parsed int 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: Parsed int 309 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: Leaving GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: Entering GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: Getting date & time Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D AT+CCLK?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: 1 "AT+CCLK?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CCLK?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: GSM_GetDateTime failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:52: Leaving GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Entering GSM_GetManufacturer Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 1 "AT+CGMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMI...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 1 "ATI3" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 2 "Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x27/39 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D |0D |0A |56V|65e|72r|3A:|311|2E.|300|300|333 ATI3...Ver:1.003 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 42B|54T|20 |20 |20 |2C,|50P|52R|4CL|3A:|333|311|300|300|311|0D BT ,PRL:31001. Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Manufacturer info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: [Manufacturer: Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001] Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Leaving GSM_GetManufacturer Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Entering GSM_GetModel Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Getting model Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D AT+CGMM.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 1 "AT+CGMM" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMM...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D ATI4.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 1 "ATI4" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATI4...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Unknown model, but it should still work Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: [Model name: OK'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: [Model data:'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: [Model data: unknown'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: [Connected model - "OK"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Leaving GSM_GetModel Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Entering GSM_GetFirmware Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Getting firmware versions Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|52R|0D AT+CGMR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 1 "AT+CGMR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|52R|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMR...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 41A|54T|49I|355|0D ATI5. Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 1 "ATI5" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 41A|54T|49I|355|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATI5...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Received firmware version: "OK," Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Number version is "0.000000" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: [Firmware version - "OK,"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Leaving GSM_GetFirmware Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Entering GSM_GetIMEI Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Getting IMEI Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|53S|4EN|0D AT+CGSN. Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 1 "AT+CGSN" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|53S|4EN|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGSN...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: GSM_GetIMEI failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Leaving GSM_GetIMEI Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Entering GSM_GetOriginalIMEI Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: GSM_GetOriginalIMEI failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Leaving GSM_GetOriginalIMEI Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Entering GSM_GetProductCode Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: GSM_GetProductCode failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Leaving GSM_GetProductCode Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Entering GSM_GetSIMIMSI Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Getting SIM IMSI Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|49I|4DM|49I|0D AT+CIMI. Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 1 "AT+CIMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|49I|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CIMI...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: No access to SIM card or not supported by device Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: GSM_GetSIMIMSI failed with error SECURITYERROR[23]: Security error. Maybe no PIN? Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Leaving GSM_GetSIMIMSI Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Entering GSM_GetSMSC Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Getting SMSC Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|41A|3F?|0D AT+CSCA?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 1 "AT+CSCA?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|41A|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CSCA?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: 0D |0A .. Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: GSM_GetSMSC failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Leaving GSM_GetSMSC Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Entering GSM_GetHardware Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: GSM_GetHardware failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Leaving GSM_GetHardware Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Entering GSM_GetManufactureMonth Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: GSM_GetManufactureMonth failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Leaving GSM_GetManufactureMonth Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Entering GSM_GetPPM Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: GSM_GetPPM failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:26:58: Leaving GSM_GetPPM Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: Entering GSM_GetMemoryStatus Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: Setting memory type Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPBS="ME". Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: 1 "AT+CPBS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPBS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: GSM_GetMemoryStatus failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: Leaving GSM_GetMemoryStatus Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: Entering GSM_GetNextMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: Location = -1, Memory type = ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: Setting memory type Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPBS="ME". Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: 1 "AT+CPBS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPBS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: GSM_GetNextMemory failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: Leaving GSM_GetNextMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: Entering GSM_GetMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: Location = 1, Memory type = ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: Setting memory type Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPBS="ME". Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: 1 "AT+CPBS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPBS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: GSM_GetMemory failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:09: Leaving GSM_GetMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ. Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: 1 "AT+CSQ" Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: 2 "+CSQ: 21, 99" Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1D/29 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|51Q|3A:|20 |322 AT+CSQ...+CSQ: 2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: 311|2C,|20 |399|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A 1, 99....OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: Signal quality info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: Parsing +CSQ: 21, 99 with +CSQ: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: Parsed int 21 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: Parsed int 99 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: Entering GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: Getting battery charge Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D AT+CBC. Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: 1 "AT+CBC" Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: 2 "+CBC: 0,309" Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1C/28 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|42B|43C|3A:|20 |300 AT+CBC...+CBC: 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: 2C,|333|300|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ,309....OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: Battery level received Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: Parsing +CBC: 0,309 with +CBC: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: Parsed int 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: Parsed int 309 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: Leaving GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: Entering GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: Getting date & time Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D AT+CCLK?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: 1 "AT+CCLK?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CCLK?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: 0D |0A .. Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: GSM_GetDateTime failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:22: Leaving GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ. Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: 1 "AT+CSQ" Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: 2 "+CSQ: 13, 99" Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1D/29 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|51Q|3A:|20 |311 AT+CSQ...+CSQ: 1 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: 333|2C,|20 |399|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A 3, 99....OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: Signal quality info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: Parsing +CSQ: 13, 99 with +CSQ: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: Parsed int 13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: Parsed int 99 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: Entering GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: Getting battery charge Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D AT+CBC. Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: 1 "AT+CBC" Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: 2 "+CBC: 0,309" Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1C/28 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|42B|43C|3A:|20 |300 AT+CBC...+CBC: 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: 2C,|333|300|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ,309....OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: Battery level received Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: Parsing +CBC: 0,309 with +CBC: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: Parsed int 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: Parsed int 309 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: Leaving GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: Entering GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: Getting date & time Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D AT+CCLK?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: 1 "AT+CCLK?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CCLK?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: 0D |0A .. Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: GSM_GetDateTime failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:27:52: Leaving GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:28:22: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:28:22: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:28:22: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:28:22: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ. Mon 2012/05/21 16:28:22: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:28:22: Wanted to write 7 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:28:22: GSM_GetSignalQuality failed with error DEVICEWRITEERROR[11]: Error writing to the device. Mon 2012/05/21 16:28:22: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:28:52: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:28:52: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:28:52: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:28:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ. Mon 2012/05/21 16:28:52: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:28:52: Wanted to write 7 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:28:52: GSM_GetSignalQuality failed with error DEVICEWRITEERROR[11]: Error writing to the device. Mon 2012/05/21 16:28:52: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:29:22: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:29:22: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:29:22: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:29:22: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ. Mon 2012/05/21 16:29:22: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:29:22: Wanted to write 7 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:29:22: GSM_GetSignalQuality failed with error DEVICEWRITEERROR[11]: Error writing to the device. Mon 2012/05/21 16:29:22: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:29:52: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:29:52: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:29:52: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:29:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ. Mon 2012/05/21 16:29:52: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:29:52: Wanted to write 7 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:29:52: GSM_GetSignalQuality failed with error DEVICEWRITEERROR[11]: Error writing to the device. Mon 2012/05/21 16:29:52: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:22: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:22: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:22: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:22: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ. Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:22: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:22: Wanted to write 7 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:22: GSM_GetSignalQuality failed with error DEVICEWRITEERROR[11]: Error writing to the device. Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:22: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:44: Entering GSM_GetMemoryStatus Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:44: Setting memory type Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:44: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|43C|22"|0D AT+CPBS="MC". Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:44: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:44: Wanted to write 13 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:44: GSM_GetMemoryStatus failed with error DEVICEWRITEERROR[11]: Error writing to the device. Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:44: Leaving GSM_GetMemoryStatus Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:44: Entering GSM_GetNextMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:44: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:44: Location = -1, Memory type = MC Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:44: Setting memory type Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:44: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|43C|22"|0D AT+CPBS="MC". Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:44: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:44: Wanted to write 13 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:44: GSM_GetNextMemory failed with error DEVICEWRITEERROR[11]: Error writing to the device. Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:44: Leaving GSM_GetNextMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: Entering GSM_GetSMSStatus Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: Wanted to write 10 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: Wanted to write 10 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME". Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: Wanted to write 13 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: GSM_GetSMSStatus failed with error DEVICEWRITEERROR[11]: Error writing to the device. Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: Leaving GSM_GetSMSStatus Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: Wanted to write 10 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME". Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: Wanted to write 13 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error DEVICEWRITEERROR[11]: Error writing to the device. Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ. Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: Wanted to write 7 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: GSM_GetSignalQuality failed with error DEVICEWRITEERROR[11]: Error writing to the device. Mon 2012/05/21 16:30:52: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:00: Entering GSM_GetCalendarStatus Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:00: GSM_GetCalendarStatus failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:00: Leaving GSM_GetCalendarStatus Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:00: Entering GSM_GetNextCalendar Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:00: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:00: Location = -1 Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:00: GSM_GetNextCalendar failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:00: Leaving GSM_GetNextCalendar Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:00: Entering GSM_GetCalendar Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:00: Location = 1 Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:00: GSM_GetCalendar failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:00: Leaving GSM_GetCalendar Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:22: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:22: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:22: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:22: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ. Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:22: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:22: Wanted to write 7 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:22: GSM_GetSignalQuality failed with error DEVICEWRITEERROR[11]: Error writing to the device. Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:22: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: Entering GSM_GetMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: Location = 1, Memory type = ON Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: Setting memory type Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4FO|4EN|22"|0D AT+CPBS="ON". Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: Wanted to write 13 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: GSM_GetMemory failed with error DEVICEWRITEERROR[11]: Error writing to the device. Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: Leaving GSM_GetMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: Entering GSM_GetSMSC Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: Getting SMSC Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|41A|3F?|0D AT+CSCA?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: Wanted to write 9 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: GSM_GetSMSC failed with error DEVICEWRITEERROR[11]: Error writing to the device. Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: Leaving GSM_GetSMSC Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ. Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: Wanted to write 7 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: GSM_GetSignalQuality failed with error DEVICEWRITEERROR[11]: Error writing to the device. Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:41: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: Entering GSM_SetIncomingSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: Wanted to write 10 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME". Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: Wanted to write 13 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: GSM_SetIncomingSMS failed with error DEVICEWRITEERROR[11]: Error writing to the device. Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|57W|41A|3D=|300|0D AT+CCWA=0. Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: Wanted to write 10 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: Disabling incoming call notification Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCB Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4EN|4DM|49I|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CNMI=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: Wanted to write 10 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: GSM_SetIncomingCB failed with error DEVICEWRITEERROR[11]: Error writing to the device. Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingCB Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: Entering GSM_SetIncomingUSSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: Terminating possible incoming USSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|55U|53S|44D|3D=|322|0D AT+CUSD=2. Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: Wanted to write 10 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: Disabling incoming USSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|55U|53S|44D|3D=|300|0D AT+CUSD=0. Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: Wanted to write 10 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: GSM_SetIncomingUSSD failed with error DEVICEWRITEERROR[11]: Error writing to the device. Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingUSSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: [Terminating] Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:49: [Closing] Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:53: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:53: [Connection - "at19200"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:53: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:53: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:53: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM0"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:53: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:53: [System error - open in serial_open, 2, "No such file or directory"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:53: Init:GSM_TryGetModel failed with error DEVICENOTEXIST[4]: Error opening device, it doesn't exist. Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:53: Entering GSM_SetIncomingSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:53: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:53: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCB Mon 2012/05/21 16:31:53: Entering GSM_SetIncomingUSSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:32:28: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:32:28: [Connection - "at115200"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:32:28: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:32:28: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:32:28: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM0"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:32:28: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:32:28: [System error - open in serial_open, 2, "No such file or directory"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:32:28: Init:GSM_TryGetModel failed with error DEVICENOTEXIST[4]: Error opening device, it doesn't exist. Mon 2012/05/21 16:32:28: Entering GSM_SetIncomingSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:32:28: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:32:28: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCB Mon 2012/05/21 16:32:28: Entering GSM_SetIncomingUSSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:32:48: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:32:48: [Connection - "at"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:32:48: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:32:48: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:32:48: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM0"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:32:48: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:32:48: [System error - open in serial_open, 2, "No such file or directory"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:32:48: Init:GSM_TryGetModel failed with error DEVICENOTEXIST[4]: Error opening device, it doesn't exist. Mon 2012/05/21 16:32:48: Entering GSM_SetIncomingSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:32:48: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:32:48: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCB Mon 2012/05/21 16:32:48: Entering GSM_SetIncomingUSSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:11: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:11: [Connection - "at19200"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:11: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:11: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:11: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM0"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:11: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:11: Serial device: DTR is up, RTS is up, CAR is down, CTS is up Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:11: Setting speed to 19200 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:11: [Module - "auto"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:11: Escaping SMS mode Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:11: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x02/2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:11: 1B |0D .. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:11: Sending simple AT command to wake up some devices Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:11: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x03/3 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:11: 41A|54T|0D AT. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:11: 1 "AT" Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:11: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:11: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:11: 41A|54T|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A AT...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:12: Enabling echo Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:12: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:12: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D ATE1. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:12: 1 "NO ANSWER" Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:12: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:12: 4EN|4FO|20 |41A|4EN|53S|57W|45E|52R|0D |0A NO ANSWER.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:12: Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:12: UNKNOWN frame. If you can, please report it (see <>). Thank you Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:12: LAST SENT frame type 0x00/length 5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:12: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D ATE1. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:12: RECEIVED frame type 0x00/length 0xb/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:12: 4EN|4FO|20 |41A|4EN|53S|57W|45E|52R|0D |0A NO ANSWER.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:12: Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: Phone does not support enabled echo, it can not work with Gammu! Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: Init:GSM_TryGetModel failed with error TIMEOUT[14]: No response in specified timeout. Probably phone not connected. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: Entering GSM_SetIncomingSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: Wanted to write 1 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: Wanted to write 1 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME". Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: Wanted to write 1 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: GSM_SetIncomingSMS failed with error DEVICEWRITEERROR[11]: Error writing to the device. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|57W|41A|3D=|300|0D AT+CCWA=0. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: Wanted to write 1 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: Disabling incoming call notification Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCB Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4EN|4DM|49I|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CNMI=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: Wanted to write 1 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: GSM_SetIncomingCB failed with error DEVICEWRITEERROR[11]: Error writing to the device. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingCB Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: Entering GSM_SetIncomingUSSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D AT+CSCS?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: Wanted to write 1 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: GSM_SetIncomingUSSD failed with error DEVICEWRITEERROR[11]: Error writing to the device. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingUSSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Terminating] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Closing] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Connection - "at115200"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM0"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [System error - open in serial_open, 2, "No such file or directory"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: Init:GSM_TryGetModel failed with error DEVICENOTEXIST[4]: Error opening device, it doesn't exist. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Connection - "fbusdlr3"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM0"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [System error - open in serial_open, 2, "No such file or directory"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: Init:GSM_TryGetModel failed with error DEVICENOTEXIST[4]: Error opening device, it doesn't exist. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Connection - "fbus"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM0"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [System error - open in serial_open, 2, "No such file or directory"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: Init:GSM_TryGetModel failed with error DEVICENOTEXIST[4]: Error opening device, it doesn't exist. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Connection - "mbus"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM0"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [System error - open in serial_open, 2, "No such file or directory"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: Init:GSM_TryGetModel failed with error DEVICENOTEXIST[4]: Error opening device, it doesn't exist. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Connection - "fbuspl2303"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM0"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: [System error - open in serial_open, 2, "No such file or directory"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:14: Init:GSM_TryGetModel failed with error DEVICENOTEXIST[4]: Error opening device, it doesn't exist. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:28: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:28: [Connection - "at19200"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:28: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:28: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:28: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM1"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:28: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:28: Serial device: DTR is up, RTS is up, CAR is down, CTS is up Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:28: Setting speed to 19200 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:28: [Module - "auto"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:28: Escaping SMS mode Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:28: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x02/2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:28: 1B |0D .. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:29: Sending simple AT command to wake up some devices Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:29: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x03/3 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:29: 41A|54T|0D AT. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:29: 1 "AT" Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:29: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:29: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:29: 41A|54T|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A AT...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:30: Enabling echo Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:30: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:30: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D ATE1. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:30: 1 "NO ANSWER" Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:30: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:30: 4EN|4FO|20 |41A|4EN|53S|57W|45E|52R|0D |0A NO ANSWER.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:30: Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:30: UNKNOWN frame. If you can, please report it (see <>). Thank you Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:30: LAST SENT frame type 0x00/length 5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:30: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D ATE1. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:30: RECEIVED frame type 0x00/length 0xb/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:30: 4EN|4FO|20 |41A|4EN|53S|57W|45E|52R|0D |0A NO ANSWER.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:30: Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:32: Phone does not support enabled echo, it can not work with Gammu! Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:32: Init:GSM_TryGetModel failed with error TIMEOUT[14]: No response in specified timeout. Probably phone not connected. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:32: Entering GSM_SetIncomingSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:32: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:32: 1 "ATE1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:32: 2 "AT+CGMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:32: 3 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:32: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:32: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D |41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E ATE1.AT+CGMI...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:32: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:32: Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:32: Frame not request now. If you can, please report it (see <>). Thank you Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:32: LAST SENT frame type 0x00/length 8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:32: RECEIVED frame type 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:32: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D |41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E ATE1.AT+CGMI...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:32: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:32: Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:35: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:35: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:35: 1 "NO ANSWER" Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:35: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:35: 4EN|4FO|20 |41A|4EN|53S|57W|45E|52R|0D |0A NO ANSWER.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:35: Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:35: UNKNOWN frame. If you can, please report it (see <>). Thank you Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:35: LAST SENT frame type 0x00/length 5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:35: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:35: RECEIVED frame type 0x00/length 0xb/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:35: 4EN|4FO|20 |41A|4EN|53S|57W|45E|52R|0D |0A NO ANSWER.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:35: Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:38: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:38: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME". Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:38: 1 "ATI3" Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:38: 2 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:38: 3 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:38: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1B/27 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:38: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D |41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E ATI3.AT+CPMS="ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:38: 22"|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A "...ERROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:38: Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:38: Frame not request now. If you can, please report it (see <>). Thank you Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:38: LAST SENT frame type 0x00/length 13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME". Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:38: RECEIVED frame type 0x00/length 0x1b/27 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:38: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D |41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E ATI3.AT+CPMS="ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:38: 22"|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A "...ERROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:38: Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: GSM_SetIncomingSMS failed with error TIMEOUT[14]: No response in specified timeout. Probably phone not connected. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|57W|41A|3D=|300|0D AT+CCWA=0. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: 1 "AT+CCWA=0" Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|57W|41A|3D=|300|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CCWA=0...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: Disabling incoming call notification Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCB Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4EN|4DM|49I|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CNMI=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: 1 "AT+CNMI=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4EN|4DM|49I|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CNMI=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: GSM_SetIncomingCB failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingCB Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: Entering GSM_SetIncomingUSSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:57: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D AT+CSCS?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:58: 1 "AT+CSCS?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:58: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:58: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CSCS?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:58: 0D |0A .. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:58: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:58: 1 "AT+CGMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:58: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:58: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMI...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:58: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:58: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:58: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:59: 1 "NO ANSWER" Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:59: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:59: 4EN|4FO|20 |41A|4EN|53S|57W|45E|52R|0D |0A NO ANSWER.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:59: Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:59: UNKNOWN frame. If you can, please report it (see <>). Thank you Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:59: LAST SENT frame type 0x00/length 5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:59: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:59: RECEIVED frame type 0x00/length 0xb/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:59: 4EN|4FO|20 |41A|4EN|53S|57W|45E|52R|0D |0A NO ANSWER.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:34:59: Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:02: GSM_SetIncomingUSSD failed with error TIMEOUT[14]: No response in specified timeout. Probably phone not connected. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:02: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingUSSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:02: [Terminating] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:02: [Closing] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:02: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:02: [Connection - "at115200"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:02: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:02: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:02: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM1"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:02: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:02: Serial device: DTR is up, RTS is up, CAR is down, CTS is up Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:02: Setting speed to 115200 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:02: [Module - "auto"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:02: Escaping SMS mode Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:02: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x02/2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:02: 1B |0D .. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:02: Sending simple AT command to wake up some devices Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:02: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x03/3 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:02: 41A|54T|0D AT. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:02: 1 "AT" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:02: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:02: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:02: 41A|54T|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A AT...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:03: Enabling echo Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:03: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D ATE1. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:03: 1 "NO ANSWER" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:03: 4EN|4FO|20 |41A|4EN|53S|57W|45E|52R|0D |0A NO ANSWER.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:03: Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:03: UNKNOWN frame. If you can, please report it (see <>). Thank you Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:03: LAST SENT frame type 0x00/length 5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:03: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D ATE1. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:03: RECEIVED frame type 0x00/length 0xb/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:03: 4EN|4FO|20 |41A|4EN|53S|57W|45E|52R|0D |0A NO ANSWER.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:03: Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:05: Phone does not support enabled echo, it can not work with Gammu! Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:05: Init:GSM_TryGetModel failed with error TIMEOUT[14]: No response in specified timeout. Probably phone not connected. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:05: Entering GSM_SetIncomingSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:05: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:05: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:05: 1 "ATE1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:05: 2 "AT+CGMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:05: 3 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:05: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:05: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D |41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E ATE1.AT+CGMI...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:05: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:05: Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:05: Frame not request now. If you can, please report it (see <>). Thank you Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:05: LAST SENT frame type 0x00/length 8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:05: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:05: RECEIVED frame type 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:05: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D |41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E ATE1.AT+CGMI...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:05: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:05: Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:08: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:08: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:08: 1 "NO ANSWER" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:08: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:08: 4EN|4FO|20 |41A|4EN|53S|57W|45E|52R|0D |0A NO ANSWER.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:08: Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:08: UNKNOWN frame. If you can, please report it (see <>). Thank you Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:08: LAST SENT frame type 0x00/length 5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:08: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:08: RECEIVED frame type 0x00/length 0xb/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:08: 4EN|4FO|20 |41A|4EN|53S|57W|45E|52R|0D |0A NO ANSWER.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:08: Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:11: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:11: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:11: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME". Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:11: 1 "ATI3" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:11: 2 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:11: 3 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:11: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1B/27 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:11: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D |41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E ATI3.AT+CPMS="ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:11: 22"|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A "...ERROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:11: Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:11: Frame not request now. If you can, please report it (see <>). Thank you Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:11: LAST SENT frame type 0x00/length 13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:11: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME". Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:11: RECEIVED frame type 0x00/length 0x1b/27 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:11: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D |41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E ATI3.AT+CPMS="ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:11: 22"|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A "...ERROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:11: Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: GSM_SetIncomingSMS failed with error TIMEOUT[14]: No response in specified timeout. Probably phone not connected. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|57W|41A|3D=|300|0D AT+CCWA=0. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: Wanted to write 1 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: Disabling incoming call notification Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCB Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4EN|4DM|49I|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CNMI=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: Wanted to write 1 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: GSM_SetIncomingCB failed with error DEVICEWRITEERROR[11]: Error writing to the device. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingCB Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: Entering GSM_SetIncomingUSSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D AT+CSCS?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: Wanted to write 1 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: GSM_SetIncomingUSSD failed with error DEVICEWRITEERROR[11]: Error writing to the device. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingUSSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Terminating] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Closing] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Connection - "fbusdlr3"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM1"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [System error - open in serial_open, 2, "No such file or directory"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: Init:GSM_TryGetModel failed with error DEVICENOTEXIST[4]: Error opening device, it doesn't exist. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Connection - "fbus"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM1"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [System error - open in serial_open, 2, "No such file or directory"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: Init:GSM_TryGetModel failed with error DEVICENOTEXIST[4]: Error opening device, it doesn't exist. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Connection - "mbus"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM1"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [System error - open in serial_open, 2, "No such file or directory"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: Init:GSM_TryGetModel failed with error DEVICENOTEXIST[4]: Error opening device, it doesn't exist. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Connection - "fbuspl2303"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM1"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: [System error - open in serial_open, 2, "No such file or directory"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:30: Init:GSM_TryGetModel failed with error DEVICENOTEXIST[4]: Error opening device, it doesn't exist. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:39: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:39: [Connection - "at19200"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:39: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:39: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:39: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM0"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:39: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:39: Serial device: DTR is up, RTS is up, CAR is down, CTS is up Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:39: Setting speed to 19200 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:39: [Module - "auto"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:39: Escaping SMS mode Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:39: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x02/2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:39: 1B |0D .. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:40: Sending simple AT command to wake up some devices Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x03/3 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:40: 41A|54T|0D AT. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:40: 1 "AT" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:40: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:40: 41A|54T|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A AT...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:41: Enabling echo Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:41: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:41: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D ATE1. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:41: 1 "ATE1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:41: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:41: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:41: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATE1...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:41: Trying Motorola mode switch Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:41: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:41: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D AT+MODE=2. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:41: 1 "AT+MODE=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:41: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:41: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:41: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+MODE=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:41: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:41: Seems not to be supported Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:41: Enabling CME errors Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:41: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D AT+CMEE=1. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:42: 1 "AT+CMEE=1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:42: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:42: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CMEE=1...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:42: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:42: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|322|0D AT+CMEE=2. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:42: 1 "AT+CMEE=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:42: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:42: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CMEE=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:42: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:42: CME errors could not be enabled, some error types won't be detected. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:42: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D AT+CSCS?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: 1 "AT+CSCS?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CSCS?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: 0D |0A .. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: 1 "AT+CGMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMI...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: 1 "ATI3" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: 2 "Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x27/39 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D |0D |0A |56V|65e|72r|3A:|311|2E.|300|300|333 ATI3...Ver:1.003 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: 42B|54T|20 |20 |20 |2C,|50P|52R|4CL|3A:|333|311|300|300|311|0D BT ,PRL:31001. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: 0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: Manufacturer info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: [Manufacturer: Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CSCS=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:44: 1 "AT+CSCS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:44: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:44: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CSCS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:44: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:44: INFO: assuming GSM charset Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:44: Getting model Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:44: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D AT+CGMM. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:44: 1 "AT+CGMM" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:44: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:44: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMM...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:44: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:44: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:44: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D ATI4. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: 1 "ATI4" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATI4...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: Unknown model, but it should still work Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: [Model name:OK'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: [Model data: '] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: [Model data:unknown'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: [Connected model - "OK"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: Checking for OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPROT=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: 1 "AT+CPROT=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x14/20 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R AT+CPROT=?...ERR Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: 4FO|52R|0D |0A OR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0C/12 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D AT+SYNCML=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: 1 "AT+SYNCML=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x15/21 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R AT+SYNCML=?...ER Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: 52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A ROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:45: 41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D AT$TSSPCSW=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:46: 1 "AT$TSSPCSW=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:46: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:46: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:46: 41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E AT$TSSPCSW=?...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:46: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:46: [Module - "A2D|iPAQ|at|M20|S25|MC35|TC35|C35i|S65|S300|5110|5130|5190|5210|6110|6130|6150|6190|6210|6250|6310|6310i|6510|7110|8210|8250|8290|8310|8390|8850|8855|8890|8910|9110|9210"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:46: Escaping SMS mode Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:46: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x02/2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:46: 1B |0D ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:46: Sending simple AT command to wake up some devices Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:46: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x03/3 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:46: 41A|54T|0D AT.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:46: 1 "AT" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:46: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:46: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:46: 41A|54T|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A AT...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Enabling echo Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D ATE1.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1 "ATE1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATE1...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Trying Motorola mode switch Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D AT+MODE=2.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1 "AT+MODE=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+MODE=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Seems not to be supported Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Enabling CME errors Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D AT+CMEE=1.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1 "AT+CMEE=1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CMEE=1...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|322|0D AT+CMEE=2.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1 "AT+CMEE=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CMEE=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: CME errors could not be enabled, some error types won't be detected. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D AT+CSCS?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1 "AT+CSCS?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CSCS?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1 "AT+CGMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMI...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1 "ATI3" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 2 "Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x27/39 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D |0D |0A |56V|65e|72r|3A:|311|2E.|300|300|333 ATI3...Ver:1.003 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 42B|54T|20 |20 |20 |2C,|50P|52R|4CL|3A:|333|311|300|300|311|0D BT ,PRL:31001. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Manufacturer info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: [Manufacturer: Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CSCS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1 "AT+CSCS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CSCS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: INFO: assuming GSM charset Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Checking for OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPROT=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1 "AT+CPROT=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x14/20 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R AT+CPROT=?...ERR Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 4FO|52R|0D |0A OR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0C/12 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D AT+SYNCML=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1 "AT+SYNCML=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x15/21 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R AT+SYNCML=?...ER Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A ROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D AT$TSSPCSW=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1 "AT$TSSPCSW=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E AT$TSSPCSW=?...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Getting firmware versions Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|52R|0D AT+CGMR.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1 "AT+CGMR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|52R|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMR...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|49I|355|0D ATI5.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1 "ATI5" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|49I|355|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATI5...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Received firmware version: "OK," Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Number version is "0.000000" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: [Firmware version - "OK,"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: [Connected] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Entering GSM_GetModel Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Getting model Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D AT+CGMM.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1 "AT+CGMM" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMM...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D ATI4.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1 "ATI4" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATI4...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Unknown model, but it should still work Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: [Model name: OK'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: [Model data:'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: [Model data: unknown'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: [Connected model - "OK"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Leaving GSM_GetModel Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Entering GSM_GetManufacturer Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1 "AT+CGMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMI...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1 "ATI3" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 2 "Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x27/39 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D |0D |0A |56V|65e|72r|3A:|311|2E.|300|300|333 ATI3...Ver:1.003 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 42B|54T|20 |20 |20 |2C,|50P|52R|4CL|3A:|333|311|300|300|311|0D BT ,PRL:31001. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Manufacturer info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: [Manufacturer: Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Leaving GSM_GetManufacturer Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Entering GSM_SetIncomingSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME". Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: GSM_SetIncomingSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|57W|41A|3D=|300|0D AT+CCWA=0. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1 "AT+CCWA=0" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|57W|41A|3D=|300|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CCWA=0...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Disabling incoming call notification Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCB Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4EN|4DM|49I|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CNMI=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1 "AT+CNMI=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4EN|4DM|49I|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CNMI=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: GSM_SetIncomingCB failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingCB Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Entering GSM_SetIncomingUSSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Terminating possible incoming USSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|55U|53S|44D|3D=|322|0D AT+CUSD=2. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1 "AT+CUSD=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|55U|53S|44D|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CUSD=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Disabling incoming USSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|55U|53S|44D|3D=|300|0D AT+CUSD=0. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1 "AT+CUSD=0" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|55U|53S|44D|3D=|300|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CUSD=0...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: GSM_SetIncomingUSSD failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingUSSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: [Terminating] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: [Closing] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: [Connection - "at115200"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM0"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Serial device: DTR is up, RTS is up, CAR is down, CTS is up Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Setting speed to 115200 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: [Module - "auto"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Escaping SMS mode Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x02/2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1B |0D .. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: Sending simple AT command to wake up some devices Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x03/3 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|0D AT. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 1 "AT" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:47: 41A|54T|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A AT...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:48: Enabling echo Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:48: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:48: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D ATE1. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:48: 1 "ATE1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:48: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:48: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:48: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATE1...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:48: Trying Motorola mode switch Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:48: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:48: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D AT+MODE=2. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:48: 1 "AT+MODE=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:48: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:48: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:48: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+MODE=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:48: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:48: Seems not to be supported Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:48: Enabling CME errors Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:48: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:48: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D AT+CMEE=1. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:49: 1 "AT+CMEE=1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:49: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:49: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:49: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CMEE=1...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:49: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:49: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:49: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|322|0D AT+CMEE=2. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:49: 1 "AT+CMEE=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:49: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:49: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:49: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CMEE=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:49: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:49: CME errors could not be enabled, some error types won't be detected. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:49: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:49: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D AT+CSCS?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: 1 "AT+CSCS?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CSCS?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: 0D |0A .. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: 1 "AT+CGMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMI...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: 1 "ATI3" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: 2 "Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x27/39 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D |0D |0A |56V|65e|72r|3A:|311|2E.|300|300|333 ATI3...Ver:1.003 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: 42B|54T|20 |20 |20 |2C,|50P|52R|4CL|3A:|333|311|300|300|311|0D BT ,PRL:31001. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: 0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: Manufacturer info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: [Manufacturer: Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:50: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CSCS=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:51: 1 "AT+CSCS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:51: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:51: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:51: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CSCS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:51: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:51: INFO: assuming GSM charset Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:51: Getting model Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:51: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:51: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D AT+CGMM. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:51: 1 "AT+CGMM" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:51: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:51: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:51: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMM...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:51: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:51: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:51: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D ATI4. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: 1 "ATI4" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATI4...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: Unknown model, but it should still work Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: [Model name:OK'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: [Model data: '] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: [Model data:unknown'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: [Connected model - "OK"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: Checking for OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPROT=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: 1 "AT+CPROT=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x14/20 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R AT+CPROT=?...ERR Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: 4FO|52R|0D |0A OR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0C/12 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D AT+SYNCML=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: 1 "AT+SYNCML=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x15/21 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R AT+SYNCML=?...ER Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: 52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A ROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:52: 41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D AT$TSSPCSW=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:53: 1 "AT$TSSPCSW=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:53: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:53: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:53: 41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E AT$TSSPCSW=?...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:53: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:53: [Module - "A2D|iPAQ|at|M20|S25|MC35|TC35|C35i|S65|S300|5110|5130|5190|5210|6110|6130|6150|6190|6210|6250|6310|6310i|6510|7110|8210|8250|8290|8310|8390|8850|8855|8890|8910|9110|9210"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:53: Escaping SMS mode Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:53: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x02/2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:53: 1B |0D ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:53: Sending simple AT command to wake up some devices Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:53: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x03/3 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:53: 41A|54T|0D AT.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:53: 1 "AT" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:53: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:53: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:53: 41A|54T|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A AT...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Enabling echo Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D ATE1.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 1 "ATE1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATE1...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Trying Motorola mode switch Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D AT+MODE=2.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 1 "AT+MODE=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+MODE=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Seems not to be supported Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Enabling CME errors Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D AT+CMEE=1.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 1 "AT+CMEE=1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CMEE=1...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|322|0D AT+CMEE=2.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 1 "AT+CMEE=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CMEE=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: CME errors could not be enabled, some error types won't be detected. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D AT+CSCS?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 1 "AT+CSCS?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CSCS?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 1 "AT+CGMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMI...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 1 "ATI3" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 2 "Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x27/39 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D |0D |0A |56V|65e|72r|3A:|311|2E.|300|300|333 ATI3...Ver:1.003 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 42B|54T|20 |20 |20 |2C,|50P|52R|4CL|3A:|333|311|300|300|311|0D BT ,PRL:31001. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Manufacturer info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: [Manufacturer: Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CSCS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 1 "AT+CSCS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CSCS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: INFO: assuming GSM charset Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Checking for OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPROT=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 1 "AT+CPROT=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x14/20 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R AT+CPROT=?...ERR Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 4FO|52R|0D |0A OR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0C/12 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D AT+SYNCML=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 1 "AT+SYNCML=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x15/21 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R AT+SYNCML=?...ER Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A ROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D AT$TSSPCSW=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 1 "AT$TSSPCSW=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E AT$TSSPCSW=?...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Getting firmware versions Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|52R|0D AT+CGMR.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 1 "AT+CGMR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|52R|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMR...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|49I|355|0D ATI5.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 1 "ATI5" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|49I|355|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATI5...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Received firmware version: "OK," Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Number version is "0.000000" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: [Firmware version - "OK,"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: [Connected] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Entering GSM_GetModel Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Getting model Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D AT+CGMM.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 1 "AT+CGMM" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMM...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D ATI4.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 1 "ATI4" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATI4...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Unknown model, but it should still work Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: [Model name: OK'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: [Model data:'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: [Model data: unknown'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: [Connected model - "OK"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Leaving GSM_GetModel Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Entering GSM_GetManufacturer Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 1 "AT+CGMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMI...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 1 "ATI3" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 2 "Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x27/39 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D |0D |0A |56V|65e|72r|3A:|311|2E.|300|300|333 ATI3...Ver:1.003 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 42B|54T|20 |20 |20 |2C,|50P|52R|4CL|3A:|333|311|300|300|311|0D BT ,PRL:31001. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Manufacturer info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: [Manufacturer: Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Leaving GSM_GetManufacturer Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Entering GSM_SetIncomingSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME". Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: GSM_SetIncomingSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|57W|41A|3D=|300|0D AT+CCWA=0. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 1 "AT+CCWA=0" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|57W|41A|3D=|300|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CCWA=0...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Disabling incoming call notification Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCB Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4EN|4DM|49I|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CNMI=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 1 "AT+CNMI=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4EN|4DM|49I|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CNMI=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: GSM_SetIncomingCB failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingCB Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Entering GSM_SetIncomingUSSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Terminating possible incoming USSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|55U|53S|44D|3D=|322|0D AT+CUSD=2. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 1 "AT+CUSD=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|55U|53S|44D|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CUSD=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Disabling incoming USSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|55U|53S|44D|3D=|300|0D AT+CUSD=0. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 1 "AT+CUSD=0" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|55U|53S|44D|3D=|300|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CUSD=0...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: GSM_SetIncomingUSSD failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingUSSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: [Terminating] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: [Closing] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: [Connection - "fbusdlr3"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM0"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:54: Serial device: DTR is down, RTS is down, CAR is down, CTS is up Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:55: Serial device: DTR is up, RTS is up, CAR is down, CTS is up Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:56: Setting speed to 19200 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:56: Switching to FBUS using AT commands Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:56: SENDING frametype 0xFF/length 0x04/4 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:56: 41A|54T|0D |0A AT.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:56: RECEIVED frametype 0xFF/length 0x03/3 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:56: 41A|54T|0D AT. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:56: RECEIVED frametype 0xFF/length 0x06/6 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:56: 0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ..OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:56: SENDING frametype 0xFF/length 0x06/6 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:56: 41A|54T|26&|46F|0D |0A AT&F.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:56: RECEIVED frametype 0xFF/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:56: 41A|54T|26&|46F|0D AT&F. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:56: RECEIVED frametype 0xFF/length 0x06/6 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:56: 0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ..OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:56: SENDING frametype 0xFF/length 0x0E/14 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:56: 41A|54T|2A*|4EN|4FO|4BK|49I|41A|46F|42B|55U|53S|0D |0A AT*NOKIAFBUS.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:56: RECEIVED frametype 0xFF/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:56: 41A|54T|2A*|4EN|4FO|4BK|49I|41A|46F|42B|55U|53S|0D AT*NOKIAFBUS. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:56: RECEIVED frametype 0xFF/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:56: 0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A ..ERROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:56: Setting speed to 115200 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:58: [Module - "auto"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:58: Getting model Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:58: SENDING frametype 0xD1/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:35:58: 00 |01 |00 |03 |00 ..... Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:01: Getting model Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:01: SENDING frametype 0xD1/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:01: 00 |01 |00 |03 |00 ..... Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:04: Getting model Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:04: SENDING frametype 0xD1/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:04: 00 |01 |00 |03 |00 ..... Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:07: Init:GSM_TryGetModel failed with error TIMEOUT[14]: No response in specified timeout. Probably phone not connected. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:07: Entering GSM_SetIncomingSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:07: GSM_SetIncomingSMS failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:07: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:07: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:07: GSM_SetIncomingCall failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:07: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:07: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCB Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:07: GSM_SetIncomingCB failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:07: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingCB Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:07: Entering GSM_SetIncomingUSSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:07: GSM_SetIncomingUSSD failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:07: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingUSSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:07: [Terminating] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:07: [Closing] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:09: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:09: [Connection - "fbus"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:09: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:09: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:09: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM0"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:09: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:09: Setting speed to 115200 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:09: Serial device: DTR is up, RTS is down, CAR is down, CTS is up Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:11: [Module - "auto"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:11: Getting model Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:11: SENDING frametype 0xD1/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:11: 00 |01 |00 |03 |00 ..... Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:14: Getting model Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:14: SENDING frametype 0xD1/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:14: 00 |01 |00 |03 |00 ..... Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:17: Getting model Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:17: SENDING frametype 0xD1/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:17: 00 |01 |00 |03 |00 ..... Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:17: [System error - serial_write, 5, "Input/output error"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:17: Wanted to write 16 bytes, but 0 were written Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:17: Init:GSM_TryGetModel failed with error DEVICEWRITEERROR[11]: Error writing to the device. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:17: Entering GSM_SetIncomingSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:17: GSM_SetIncomingSMS failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:17: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:17: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:17: GSM_SetIncomingCall failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:17: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:17: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCB Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:17: GSM_SetIncomingCB failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:17: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingCB Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:17: Entering GSM_SetIncomingUSSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:17: GSM_SetIncomingUSSD failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:17: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingUSSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:17: [Terminating] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:17: [Closing] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:19: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:19: [Connection - "mbus"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:19: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:19: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:19: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM0"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:19: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:19: [System error - open in serial_open, 2, "No such file or directory"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:19: Init:GSM_TryGetModel failed with error DEVICENOTEXIST[4]: Error opening device, it doesn't exist. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:19: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:19: [Connection - "fbuspl2303"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:19: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:19: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:19: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM0"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:19: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:19: [System error - open in serial_open, 2, "No such file or directory"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:19: Init:GSM_TryGetModel failed with error DEVICENOTEXIST[4]: Error opening device, it doesn't exist. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:32: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:32: [Connection - "at115200"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:32: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:32: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:32: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM0"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:32: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:32: Serial device: DTR is up, RTS is up, CAR is down, CTS is up Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:32: Setting speed to 115200 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:32: [Module - "auto"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:32: Escaping SMS mode Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:32: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x02/2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:32: 1B |0D .. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:32: Sending simple AT command to wake up some devices Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:32: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x03/3 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:32: 41A|54T|0D AT. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:33: 1 "AT" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:33: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:33: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:33: 41A|54T|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A AT...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:34: Enabling echo Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:34: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:34: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D ATE1. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:34: 1 "ATE1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:34: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:34: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:34: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATE1...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:34: Trying Motorola mode switch Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:34: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:34: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D AT+MODE=2. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:34: 1 "AT+MODE=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:34: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:34: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:34: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+MODE=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:34: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:34: Seems not to be supported Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:34: Enabling CME errors Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:34: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D AT+CMEE=1. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:35: 1 "AT+CMEE=1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:35: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:35: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:35: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CMEE=1...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:35: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:35: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:35: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|322|0D AT+CMEE=2. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:35: 1 "AT+CMEE=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:35: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:35: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:35: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CMEE=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:35: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:35: CME errors could not be enabled, some error types won't be detected. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:35: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:35: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D AT+CSCS?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: 1 "AT+CSCS?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CSCS?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: 0D |0A .. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: 1 "AT+CGMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMI...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: 1 "ATI3" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: 2 "Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x27/39 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D |0D |0A |56V|65e|72r|3A:|311|2E.|300|300|333 ATI3...Ver:1.003 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: 42B|54T|20 |20 |20 |2C,|50P|52R|4CL|3A:|333|311|300|300|311|0D BT ,PRL:31001. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: 0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: Manufacturer info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: [Manufacturer: Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CSCS=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:37: 1 "AT+CSCS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:37: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:37: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:37: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CSCS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:37: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:37: INFO: assuming GSM charset Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:37: Getting model Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:37: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:37: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D AT+CGMM. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:37: 1 "AT+CGMM" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:37: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:37: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:37: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMM...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:37: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:37: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:37: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D ATI4. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: 1 "ATI4" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATI4...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: Unknown model, but it should still work Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: [Model name:OK'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: [Model data: '] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: [Model data:unknown'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: [Connected model - "OK"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: Checking for OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPROT=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: 1 "AT+CPROT=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x14/20 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R AT+CPROT=?...ERR Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: 4FO|52R|0D |0A OR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0C/12 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D AT+SYNCML=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: 1 "AT+SYNCML=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x15/21 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R AT+SYNCML=?...ER Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: 52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A ROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:38: 41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D AT$TSSPCSW=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:39: 1 "AT$TSSPCSW=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:39: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:39: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:39: 41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E AT$TSSPCSW=?...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:39: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:39: [Module - "A2D|iPAQ|at|M20|S25|MC35|TC35|C35i|S65|S300|5110|5130|5190|5210|6110|6130|6150|6190|6210|6250|6310|6310i|6510|7110|8210|8250|8290|8310|8390|8850|8855|8890|8910|9110|9210"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:39: Escaping SMS mode Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:39: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x02/2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:39: 1B |0D ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:39: Sending simple AT command to wake up some devices Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:39: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x03/3 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:39: 41A|54T|0D AT.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:39: 1 "AT" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:39: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:39: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:39: 41A|54T|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A AT...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Enabling echo Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D ATE1.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 1 "ATE1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATE1...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Trying Motorola mode switch Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D AT+MODE=2.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 1 "AT+MODE=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+MODE=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Seems not to be supported Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Enabling CME errors Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D AT+CMEE=1.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 1 "AT+CMEE=1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CMEE=1...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|322|0D AT+CMEE=2.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 1 "AT+CMEE=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CMEE=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: CME errors could not be enabled, some error types won't be detected. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D AT+CSCS?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 1 "AT+CSCS?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CSCS?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 1 "AT+CGMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMI...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 1 "ATI3" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 2 "Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x27/39 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D |0D |0A |56V|65e|72r|3A:|311|2E.|300|300|333 ATI3...Ver:1.003 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 42B|54T|20 |20 |20 |2C,|50P|52R|4CL|3A:|333|311|300|300|311|0D BT ,PRL:31001. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Manufacturer info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: [Manufacturer: Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CSCS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 1 "AT+CSCS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CSCS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: INFO: assuming GSM charset Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Checking for OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPROT=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 1 "AT+CPROT=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x14/20 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R AT+CPROT=?...ERR Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 4FO|52R|0D |0A OR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0C/12 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D AT+SYNCML=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 1 "AT+SYNCML=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x15/21 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R AT+SYNCML=?...ER Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A ROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D AT$TSSPCSW=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 1 "AT$TSSPCSW=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E AT$TSSPCSW=?...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Getting firmware versions Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|52R|0D AT+CGMR.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 1 "AT+CGMR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|52R|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMR...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|49I|355|0D ATI5.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 1 "ATI5" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|49I|355|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATI5...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Received firmware version: "OK," Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Number version is "0.000000" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: [Firmware version - "OK,"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: [Connected] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Entering GSM_GetModel Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Getting model Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D AT+CGMM.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 1 "AT+CGMM" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMM...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D ATI4.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 1 "ATI4" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATI4...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Unknown model, but it should still work Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: [Model name: OK'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: [Model data:'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: [Model data: unknown'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: [Connected model - "OK"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Leaving GSM_GetModel Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Entering GSM_GetManufacturer Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 1 "AT+CGMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMI...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 1 "ATI3" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 2 "Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x27/39 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D |0D |0A |56V|65e|72r|3A:|311|2E.|300|300|333 ATI3...Ver:1.003 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 42B|54T|20 |20 |20 |2C,|50P|52R|4CL|3A:|333|311|300|300|311|0D BT ,PRL:31001. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Manufacturer info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: [Manufacturer: Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Leaving GSM_GetManufacturer Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Entering GSM_SetIncomingSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME". Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: GSM_SetIncomingSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|57W|41A|3D=|300|0D AT+CCWA=0. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 1 "AT+CCWA=0" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|57W|41A|3D=|300|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CCWA=0...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Disabling incoming call notification Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCB Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4EN|4DM|49I|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CNMI=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 1 "AT+CNMI=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4EN|4DM|49I|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CNMI=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: GSM_SetIncomingCB failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingCB Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Entering GSM_SetIncomingUSSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Terminating possible incoming USSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|55U|53S|44D|3D=|322|0D AT+CUSD=2. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 1 "AT+CUSD=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|55U|53S|44D|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CUSD=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Disabling incoming USSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|55U|53S|44D|3D=|300|0D AT+CUSD=0. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 1 "AT+CUSD=0" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|55U|53S|44D|3D=|300|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CUSD=0...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: GSM_SetIncomingUSSD failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingUSSD Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: [Terminating] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:40: [Closing] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:55: [Gammu - 1.30.0 built 15:35:54 Jul 27 2011 using GCC 4.6] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:55: [Connection - "at115200"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:55: [Connection index - 0] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:55: [Model type - ""] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:55: [Device - "/dev/ttyACM0"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:55: [Running on - Linux, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (#20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011)] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:55: Serial device: DTR is up, RTS is up, CAR is down, CTS is up Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:55: Setting speed to 115200 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:55: [Module - "auto"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:55: Escaping SMS mode Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:55: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x02/2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:55: 1B |0D .. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:55: Sending simple AT command to wake up some devices Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:55: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x03/3 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:55: 41A|54T|0D AT. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:56: 1 "AT" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:56: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:56: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:56: 41A|54T|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A AT...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:57: Enabling echo Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:57: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:57: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D ATE1. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:57: 1 "ATE1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:57: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:57: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:57: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATE1...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:57: Trying Motorola mode switch Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:57: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:57: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D AT+MODE=2. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:57: 1 "AT+MODE=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:57: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:57: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:57: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+MODE=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:57: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:57: Seems not to be supported Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:57: Enabling CME errors Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:57: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:57: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D AT+CMEE=1. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:58: 1 "AT+CMEE=1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:58: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:58: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CMEE=1...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:58: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:58: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|322|0D AT+CMEE=2. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:58: 1 "AT+CMEE=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:58: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:58: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CMEE=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:58: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:58: CME errors could not be enabled, some error types won't be detected. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:58: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:58: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D AT+CSCS?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: 1 "AT+CSCS?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CSCS?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: 0D |0A .. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: 1 "AT+CGMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMI...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: 1 "ATI3" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: 2 "Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x27/39 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D |0D |0A |56V|65e|72r|3A:|311|2E.|300|300|333 ATI3...Ver:1.003 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: 42B|54T|20 |20 |20 |2C,|50P|52R|4CL|3A:|333|311|300|300|311|0D BT ,PRL:31001. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: 0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: Manufacturer info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: [Manufacturer: Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001] Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:36:59: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CSCS=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:00: 1 "AT+CSCS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:00: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:00: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:00: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CSCS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:00: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:00: INFO: assuming GSM charset Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:00: Getting model Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:00: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:00: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D AT+CGMM. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:00: 1 "AT+CGMM" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:00: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:00: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:00: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMM...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:00: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:00: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:00: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D ATI4. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: 1 "ATI4" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATI4...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: Unknown model, but it should still work Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: [Model name:OK'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: [Model data: '] Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: [Model data:unknown'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: [Connected model - "OK"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: Checking for OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPROT=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: 1 "AT+CPROT=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x14/20 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R AT+CPROT=?...ERR Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: 4FO|52R|0D |0A OR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0C/12 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D AT+SYNCML=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: 1 "AT+SYNCML=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x15/21 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R AT+SYNCML=?...ER Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: 52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A ROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:01: 41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D AT$TSSPCSW=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:02: 1 "AT$TSSPCSW=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:02: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:02: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:02: 41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E AT$TSSPCSW=?...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:02: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:02: [Module - "A2D|iPAQ|at|M20|S25|MC35|TC35|C35i|S65|S300|5110|5130|5190|5210|6110|6130|6150|6190|6210|6250|6310|6310i|6510|7110|8210|8250|8290|8310|8390|8850|8855|8890|8910|9110|9210"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:02: Escaping SMS mode Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:02: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x02/2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:02: 1B |0D ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:02: Sending simple AT command to wake up some devices Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:02: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x03/3 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:02: 41A|54T|0D AT.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:02: 1 "AT" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:02: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:02: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:02: 41A|54T|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A AT...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Enabling echo Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D ATE1.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "ATE1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|45E|311|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATE1...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Trying Motorola mode switch Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D AT+MODE=2.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "AT+MODE=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+MODE=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Seems not to be supported Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Enabling CME errors Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D AT+CMEE=1.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "AT+CMEE=1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CMEE=1...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|322|0D AT+CMEE=2.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "AT+CMEE=2" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CMEE=2...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: CME errors could not be enabled, some error types won't be detected. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D AT+CSCS?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "AT+CSCS?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CSCS?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "AT+CGMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMI...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "ATI3" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x27/39 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D |0D |0A |56V|65e|72r|3A:|311|2E.|300|300|333 ATI3...Ver:1.003 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 42B|54T|20 |20 |20 |2C,|50P|52R|4CL|3A:|333|311|300|300|311|0D BT ,PRL:31001. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Manufacturer info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: [Manufacturer: Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001] Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CSCS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "AT+CSCS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CSCS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: INFO: assuming GSM charset Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Checking for OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPROT=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "AT+CPROT=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x14/20 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R AT+CPROT=?...ERR Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 4FO|52R|0D |0A OR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0C/12 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D AT+SYNCML=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "AT+SYNCML=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x15/21 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R AT+SYNCML=?...ER Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A ROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D AT$TSSPCSW=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "AT$TSSPCSW=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E AT$TSSPCSW=?...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Setting date & time Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x1F/31 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3D=|22"|311|322|2F/|300|355|2F/|322 AT+CCLK="12/05/2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 311|2C,|311|366|3A:|333|377|3A:|300|333|2B+|300|300|22"|0D 1,16:37:03+00". Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "AT+CCLK="12/05/21,16:37:03+00"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x28/40 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3D=|22"|311|322|2F/|300|355|2F/|322 AT+CCLK="12/05/2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 311|2C,|311|366|3A:|333|377|3A:|300|333|2B+|300|300|22"|0D |0D 1,16:37:03+00".. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A .ERROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Getting firmware versions Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|52R|0D AT+CGMR.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "AT+CGMR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|52R|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMR...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|49I|355|0D ATI5.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "ATI5" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|49I|355|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATI5...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Received firmware version: "OK," Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Number version is "0.000000" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: [Firmware version - "OK,"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: [Connected] Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Enabling incoming call notification Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4CL|49I|50P|3D=|311|0D AT+CLIP=1.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "AT+CLIP=1" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|4CL|49I|50P|3D=|311|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CLIP=1...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: GSM_SetIncomingCall failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Leaving GSM_SetIncomingCall Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "AT+CSQ" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "+CSQ: 13, 99" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1D/29 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|51Q|3A:|20 |311 AT+CSQ...+CSQ: 1 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 333|2C,|20 |399|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A 3, 99....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Signal quality info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Parsing +CSQ: 13, 99 with +CSQ: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Parsed int 13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Parsed int 99 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Entering GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Getting battery charge Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D AT+CBC.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "AT+CBC" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "+CBC: 0,309" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1C/28 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|42B|43C|3A:|20 |300 AT+CBC...+CBC: 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2C,|333|300|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ,309....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Battery level received Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Parsing +CBC: 0,309 with +CBC: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Parsed int 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Parsed int 309 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Leaving GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Entering GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Getting date & time Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D AT+CCLK?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "AT+CCLK?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CCLK?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: GSM_GetDateTime failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Leaving GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Entering GSM_GetMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Location = 1, Memory type = ON Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPBS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "AT+CPBS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPBS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Falling back to default memories list: "ME","SM","DC","ON","LD","FD","MC","RC" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Setting memory type Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4FO|4EN|22"|0D AT+CPBS="ON".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "AT+CPBS="ON"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4FO|4EN|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPBS="ON"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: GSM_GetMemory failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Leaving GSM_GetMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Entering GSM_GetSMSC Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Getting SMSC Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|41A|3F?|0D AT+CSCA?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "AT+CSCA?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|41A|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CSCA?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: GSM_GetSMSC failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Leaving GSM_GetSMSC Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Entering GSM_GetIMEI Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Getting IMEI Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|53S|4EN|0D AT+CGSN.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "AT+CGSN" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|53S|4EN|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGSN...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: GSM_GetIMEI failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Leaving GSM_GetIMEI Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Entering GSM_GetManufacturer Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "AT+CGMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMI...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "ATI3" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x27/39 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D |0D |0A |56V|65e|72r|3A:|311|2E.|300|300|333 ATI3...Ver:1.003 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 42B|54T|20 |20 |20 |2C,|50P|52R|4CL|3A:|333|311|300|300|311|0D BT ,PRL:31001. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Manufacturer info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: [Manufacturer: Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001] Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Leaving GSM_GetManufacturer Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Entering GSM_GetModel Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Getting model Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D AT+CGMM.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "AT+CGMM" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMM...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D ATI4.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "ATI4" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATI4...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Unknown model, but it should still work Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: [Model name: OK'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: [Model data:'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: [Model data: unknown'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: [Connected model - "OK"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Leaving GSM_GetModel Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Entering GSM_GetFirmware Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Getting firmware versions Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|52R|0D AT+CGMR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "AT+CGMR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|52R|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMR...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|49I|355|0D ATI5. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "ATI5" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|49I|355|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATI5...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Received firmware version: "OK," Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Number version is "0.000000" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: [Firmware version - "OK,"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Leaving GSM_GetFirmware Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Entering GSM_GetSecurityStatus Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: Getting security code status Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|49I|4EN|3F?|0D AT+CPIN?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 1 "AT+CPIN?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|49I|4EN|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CPIN?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:03: 0D |0A .. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:04: GSM_GetSecurityStatus failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:04: Leaving GSM_GetSecurityStatus Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: Entering GSM_GetMemoryStatus Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: Setting memory type Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPBS="ME". Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 1 "AT+CPBS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPBS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: Checking availability of SBNR Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 41A|54T|5E^|53S|42B|4EN|52R|3D=|3F?|0D AT^SBNR=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 1 "AT^SBNR=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 41A|54T|5E^|53S|42B|4EN|52R|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT^SBNR=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: Checking availability of SPBR Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|50P|42B|52R|3D=|3F?|0D AT+SPBR=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 1 "AT+SPBR=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 41A|54T|2B+|53S|50P|42B|52R|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+SPBR=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: Checking availability of MPBR Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|50P|42B|52R|3D=|3F?|0D AT+MPBR=?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 1 "AT+MPBR=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 41A|54T|2B+|4DM|50P|42B|52R|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+MPBR=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 52R|0D |0A R.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: GSM_GetMemoryStatus failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: Leaving GSM_GetMemoryStatus Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: Entering GSM_GetNextMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: Location = -1, Memory type = ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: Setting memory type Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPBS="ME". Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 1 "AT+CPBS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPBS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: GSM_GetNextMemory failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: Leaving GSM_GetNextMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: Entering GSM_GetMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: Location = 1, Memory type = ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: Setting memory type Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPBS="ME". Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 1 "AT+CPBS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPBS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: GSM_GetMemory failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:06: Leaving GSM_GetMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: 1 "AT+CSQ" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: 2 "+CSQ: 11, 99" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1D/29 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|51Q|3A:|20 |311 AT+CSQ...+CSQ: 1 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: 311|2C,|20 |399|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A 1, 99....OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: Signal quality info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: Parsing +CSQ: 11, 99 with +CSQ: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: Parsed int 11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: Parsed int 99 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: Entering GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: Getting battery charge Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D AT+CBC. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: 1 "AT+CBC" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: 2 "+CBC: 0,309" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1C/28 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|42B|43C|3A:|20 |300 AT+CBC...+CBC: 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: 2C,|333|300|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ,309....OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: Battery level received Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: Parsing +CBC: 0,309 with +CBC: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: Parsed int 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: Parsed int 309 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: Leaving GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: Entering GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: Getting date & time Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D AT+CCLK?. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: 1 "AT+CCLK?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CCLK?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: 0D |0A .. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: GSM_GetDateTime failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:15: Leaving GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Entering GSM_GetManufacturer Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D AT+CGMI. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 1 "AT+CGMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMI...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D ATI3. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 1 "ATI3" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 2 "Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x27/39 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 41A|54T|49I|333|0D |0D |0A |56V|65e|72r|3A:|311|2E.|300|300|333 ATI3...Ver:1.003 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 42B|54T|20 |20 |20 |2C,|50P|52R|4CL|3A:|333|311|300|300|311|0D BT ,PRL:31001. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Manufacturer info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: [Manufacturer: Ver:1.003BT ,PRL:31001] Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Leaving GSM_GetManufacturer Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Entering GSM_GetModel Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Getting model Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D AT+CGMM. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 1 "AT+CGMM" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMM...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 0A . Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D ATI4. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 1 "ATI4" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 41A|54T|49I|344|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATI4...OK.. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Unknown model, but it should still work Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: [Model name:OK'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: [Model data: '] Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: [Model data:unknown'] Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: [Connected model - "OK"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Leaving GSM_GetModel Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Entering GSM_GetFirmware Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Getting firmware versions Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|52R|0D AT+CGMR.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 1 "AT+CGMR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|52R|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGMR...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 41A|54T|49I|355|0D ATI5.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 1 "ATI5" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 2 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 41A|54T|49I|355|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ATI5...OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Received firmware version: "OK," Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Number version is "0.000000" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: [Firmware version - "OK,"] Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Leaving GSM_GetFirmware Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Entering GSM_GetIMEI Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Getting IMEI Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|53S|4EN|0D AT+CGSN.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 1 "AT+CGSN" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|53S|4EN|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CGSN...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: GSM_GetIMEI failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Leaving GSM_GetIMEI Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Entering GSM_GetOriginalIMEI Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: GSM_GetOriginalIMEI failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Leaving GSM_GetOriginalIMEI Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Entering GSM_GetProductCode Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: GSM_GetProductCode failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Leaving GSM_GetProductCode Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Entering GSM_GetSIMIMSI Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Getting SIM IMSI Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|49I|4DM|49I|0D AT+CIMI.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 1 "AT+CIMI" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x11/17 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|49I|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D AT+CIMI...ERROR. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 0A .
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: No access to SIM card or not supported by device Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: GSM_GetSIMIMSI failed with error SECURITYERROR[23]: Security error. Maybe no PIN? Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Leaving GSM_GetSIMIMSI Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Entering GSM_GetSMSC Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Getting SMSC Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|41A|3F?|0D AT+CSCA?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 1 "AT+CSCA?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|41A|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CSCA?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: GSM_GetSMSC failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Leaving GSM_GetSMSC Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Entering GSM_GetHardware Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: GSM_GetHardware failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Leaving GSM_GetHardware Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Entering GSM_GetManufactureMonth Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: GSM_GetManufactureMonth failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Leaving GSM_GetManufactureMonth Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Entering GSM_GetPPM Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: GSM_GetPPM failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:18: Leaving GSM_GetPPM Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: Entering GSM_GetMemoryStatus Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: Setting memory type Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|53S|4DM|22"|0D AT+CPBS="SM".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: 1 "AT+CPBS="SM"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|53S|4DM|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPBS="SM"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: GSM_GetMemoryStatus failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: Leaving GSM_GetMemoryStatus Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: Entering GSM_GetNextMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: Location = -1, Memory type = SM Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: Setting memory type Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|53S|4DM|22"|0D AT+CPBS="SM".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: 1 "AT+CPBS="SM"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|53S|4DM|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPBS="SM"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: GSM_GetNextMemory failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: Leaving GSM_GetNextMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: Entering GSM_GetMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: Location = 1, Memory type = SM Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: Setting memory type Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|53S|4DM|22"|0D AT+CPBS="SM".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: 1 "AT+CPBS="SM"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|53S|4DM|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPBS="SM"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: GSM_GetMemory failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:28: Leaving GSM_GetMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: 1 "AT+CSQ" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: 2 "+CSQ: 11, 99" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1D/29 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|51Q|3A:|20 |311 AT+CSQ...+CSQ: 1 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: 311|2C,|20 |399|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A 1, 99....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: Signal quality info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: Parsing +CSQ: 11, 99 with +CSQ: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: Parsed int 11 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: Parsed int 99 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: Entering GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: Getting battery charge Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D AT+CBC.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: 1 "AT+CBC" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: 2 "+CBC: 0,306" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1C/28 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|42B|43C|3A:|20 |300 AT+CBC...+CBC: 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: 2C,|333|300|366|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ,306....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: Battery level received Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: Parsing +CBC: 0,306 with +CBC: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: Parsed int 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: Parsed int 306 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: Leaving GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: Entering GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: Getting date & time Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D AT+CCLK?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: 1 "AT+CCLK?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CCLK?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: GSM_GetDateTime failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:45: Leaving GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: Entering GSM_GetSMSStatus Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: GSM_GetSMSStatus failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: Leaving GSM_GetSMSStatus Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:37:59: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:06: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:06: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:06: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:06: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:06: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:06: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:06: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:06: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:06: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:06: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:06: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:06: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:06: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:06: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:06: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:06: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:06: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:06: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:06: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:06: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:06: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:09: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:09: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:09: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:09: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:09: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:09: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:09: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:09: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:09: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:09: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:09: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:09: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:09: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:09: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:09: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:09: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:09: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:09: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:09: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:09: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:09: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:10: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:10: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:10: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:10: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:10: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:10: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:10: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:10: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:10: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:10: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:10: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:10: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:10: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:10: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:10: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:10: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:11: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:11: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:11: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:11: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:11: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:11: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:11: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:11: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:11: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:11: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:11: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:11: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:11: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:11: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:11: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:11: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:11: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:11: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:11: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:11: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:11: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:13: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:14: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 1 "AT+CSQ" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 2 "+CSQ: 0, 99" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1C/28 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|51Q|3A:|20 |300 AT+CSQ...+CSQ: 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 2C,|20 |399|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A , 99....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Signal quality info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Parsing +CSQ: 0, 99 with +CSQ: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Parsed int 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Parsed int 99 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Entering GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Getting battery charge Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D AT+CBC.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 1 "AT+CBC" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 2 "+CBC: 0,308" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1C/28 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|42B|43C|3A:|20 |300 AT+CBC...+CBC: 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 2C,|333|300|388|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ,308....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Battery level received Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Parsing +CBC: 0,308 with +CBC: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Parsed int 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Parsed int 308 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Leaving GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Entering GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Getting date & time Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D AT+CCLK?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 1 "AT+CCLK?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CCLK?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: GSM_GetDateTime failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Leaving GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:15: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:16: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:17: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:18: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:19: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:20: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:21: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:24: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:24: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:24: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:24: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:24: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:24: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:24: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:24: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:24: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:24: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:24: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:24: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:24: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:24: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:24: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:24: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:24: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:24: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:24: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:24: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:24: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:25: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:26: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:27: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:28: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:29: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:30: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:31: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:32: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:33: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:34: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:35: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:36: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:37: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:38: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:39: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:40: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:41: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:42: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:43: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:44: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 1 "AT+CSQ" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 2 "+CSQ: 19, 99" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1D/29 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|51Q|3A:|20 |311 AT+CSQ...+CSQ: 1 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 399|2C,|20 |399|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A 9, 99....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Signal quality info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Parsing +CSQ: 19, 99 with +CSQ: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Parsed int 19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Parsed int 99 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Entering GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Getting battery charge Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D AT+CBC.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 1 "AT+CBC" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 2 "+CBC: 0,309" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1C/28 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|42B|43C|3A:|20 |300 AT+CBC...+CBC: 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 2C,|333|300|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ,309....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Battery level received Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Parsing +CBC: 0,309 with +CBC: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Parsed int 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Parsed int 309 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Leaving GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Entering GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Getting date & time Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D AT+CCLK?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 1 "AT+CCLK?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CCLK?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: GSM_GetDateTime failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Leaving GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:45: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:46: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: Entering GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: Number = 0, Location = -1, Folder = 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: Getting available SMS memories Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D AT+CPMS=?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 1 "AT+CPMS=?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+CPMS=?...ERRO Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 52R|0D |0A R..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: Setting SMS memory type to ME Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D AT+CPMS="ME".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 1 "AT+CPMS="ME"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|4DM|53S|3D=|22"|4DM|45E|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPMS="ME"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: GSM_GetNextSMS failed with error UNKNOWN[27]: Unknown error. Mon 2012/05/21 16:38:47: Leaving GSM_GetNextSMS Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: 1 "AT+CSQ" Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: 2 "+CSQ: 19, 99" Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1D/29 Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|51Q|3A:|20 |311 AT+CSQ...+CSQ: 1 Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: 399|2C,|20 |399|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A 9, 99....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: Signal quality info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: Parsing +CSQ: 19, 99 with +CSQ: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: Parsed int 19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: Parsed int 99 Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: Entering GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: Getting battery charge Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D AT+CBC.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: 1 "AT+CBC" Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: 2 "+CBC: 0,307" Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1C/28 Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|42B|43C|3A:|20 |300 AT+CBC...+CBC: 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: 2C,|333|300|377|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ,307....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: Battery level received Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: Parsing +CBC: 0,307 with +CBC: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: Parsed int 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: Parsed int 307 Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: Leaving GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: Entering GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: Getting date & time Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D AT+CCLK?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: 1 "AT+CCLK?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CCLK?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: GSM_GetDateTime failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:15: Leaving GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: 1 "AT+CSQ" Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: 2 "+CSQ: 21, 99" Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1D/29 Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|51Q|3A:|20 |322 AT+CSQ...+CSQ: 2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: 311|2C,|20 |399|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A 1, 99....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: Signal quality info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: Parsing +CSQ: 21, 99 with +CSQ: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: Parsed int 21 Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: Parsed int 99 Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: Entering GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: Getting battery charge Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D AT+CBC.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: 1 "AT+CBC" Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: 2 "+CBC: 0,309" Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1C/28 Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|42B|43C|3A:|20 |300 AT+CBC...+CBC: 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: 2C,|333|300|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ,309....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: Battery level received Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: Parsing +CBC: 0,309 with +CBC: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: Parsed int 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: Parsed int 309 Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: Leaving GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: Entering GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: Getting date & time Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D AT+CCLK?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: 1 "AT+CCLK?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CCLK?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: GSM_GetDateTime failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:39:45: Leaving GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: 1 "AT+CSQ" Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: 2 "+CSQ: 21, 99" Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1D/29 Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|51Q|3A:|20 |322 AT+CSQ...+CSQ: 2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: 311|2C,|20 |399|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A 1, 99....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: Signal quality info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: Parsing +CSQ: 21, 99 with +CSQ: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: Parsed int 21 Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: Parsed int 99 Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: Entering GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: Getting battery charge Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D AT+CBC.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: 1 "AT+CBC" Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: 2 "+CBC: 0,309" Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1C/28 Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|42B|43C|3A:|20 |300 AT+CBC...+CBC: 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: 2C,|333|300|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ,309....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: Battery level received Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: Parsing +CBC: 0,309 with +CBC: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: Parsed int 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: Parsed int 309 Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: Leaving GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: Entering GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: Getting date & time Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D AT+CCLK?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: 1 "AT+CCLK?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CCLK?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: GSM_GetDateTime failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:15: Leaving GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: 1 "AT+CSQ" Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: 2 "+CSQ: 20, 99" Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1D/29 Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|51Q|3A:|20 |322 AT+CSQ...+CSQ: 2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: 300|2C,|20 |399|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A 0, 99....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: Signal quality info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: Parsing +CSQ: 20, 99 with +CSQ: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: Parsed int 20 Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: Parsed int 99 Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: Entering GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: Getting battery charge Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D AT+CBC.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: 1 "AT+CBC" Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: 2 "+CBC: 0,309" Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1C/28 Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|42B|43C|3A:|20 |300 AT+CBC...+CBC: 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: 2C,|333|300|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ,309....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: Battery level received Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: Parsing +CBC: 0,309 with +CBC: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: Parsed int 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: Parsed int 309 Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: Leaving GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: Entering GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: Getting date & time Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D AT+CCLK?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: 1 "AT+CCLK?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CCLK?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: GSM_GetDateTime failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:40:45: Leaving GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: 1 "AT+CSQ" Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: 2 "+CSQ: 20, 99" Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1D/29 Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|51Q|3A:|20 |322 AT+CSQ...+CSQ: 2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: 300|2C,|20 |399|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A 0, 99....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: Signal quality info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: Parsing +CSQ: 20, 99 with +CSQ: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: Parsed int 20 Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: Parsed int 99 Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: Entering GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: Getting battery charge Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D AT+CBC.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: 1 "AT+CBC" Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: 2 "+CBC: 0,309" Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1C/28 Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|42B|43C|3A:|20 |300 AT+CBC...+CBC: 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: 2C,|333|300|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ,309....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: Battery level received Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: Parsing +CBC: 0,309 with +CBC: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: Parsed int 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: Parsed int 309 Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: Leaving GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: Entering GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: Getting date & time Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D AT+CCLK?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: 1 "AT+CCLK?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CCLK?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: GSM_GetDateTime failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:15: Leaving GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: 1 "AT+CSQ" Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: 2 "+CSQ: 20, 99" Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1D/29 Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|51Q|3A:|20 |322 AT+CSQ...+CSQ: 2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: 300|2C,|20 |399|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A 0, 99....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: Signal quality info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: Parsing +CSQ: 20, 99 with +CSQ: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: Parsed int 20 Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: Parsed int 99 Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: Entering GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: Getting battery charge Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D AT+CBC.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: 1 "AT+CBC" Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: 2 "+CBC: 0,310" Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1C/28 Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|42B|43C|3A:|20 |300 AT+CBC...+CBC: 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: 2C,|333|311|300|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ,310....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: Battery level received Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: Parsing +CBC: 0,310 with +CBC: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: Parsed int 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: Parsed int 310 Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: Leaving GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: Entering GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: Getting date & time Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D AT+CCLK?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: 1 "AT+CCLK?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CCLK?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: GSM_GetDateTime failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:41:45: Leaving GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: 1 "AT+CSQ" Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: 2 "+CSQ: 19, 99" Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1D/29 Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|51Q|3A:|20 |311 AT+CSQ...+CSQ: 1 Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: 399|2C,|20 |399|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A 9, 99....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: Signal quality info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: Parsing +CSQ: 19, 99 with +CSQ: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: Parsed int 19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: Parsed int 99 Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: Entering GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: Getting battery charge Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D AT+CBC.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: 1 "AT+CBC" Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: 2 "+CBC: 0,310" Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1C/28 Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|42B|43C|3A:|20 |300 AT+CBC...+CBC: 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: 2C,|333|311|300|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ,310....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: Battery level received Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: Parsing +CBC: 0,310 with +CBC: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: Parsed int 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: Parsed int 310 Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: Leaving GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: Entering GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: Getting date & time Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D AT+CCLK?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: 1 "AT+CCLK?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CCLK?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: GSM_GetDateTime failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:15: Leaving GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: 1 "AT+CSQ" Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: 2 "+CSQ: 19, 99" Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1D/29 Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|51Q|3A:|20 |311 AT+CSQ...+CSQ: 1 Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: 399|2C,|20 |399|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A 9, 99....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: Signal quality info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: Parsing +CSQ: 19, 99 with +CSQ: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: Parsed int 19 Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: Parsed int 99 Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: Entering GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: Getting battery charge Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D AT+CBC.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: 1 "AT+CBC" Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: 2 "+CBC: 0,310" Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1C/28 Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|42B|43C|3A:|20 |300 AT+CBC...+CBC: 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: 2C,|333|311|300|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ,310....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: Battery level received Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: Parsing +CBC: 0,310 with +CBC: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: Parsed int 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: Parsed int 310 Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: Leaving GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: Entering GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: Getting date & time Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D AT+CCLK?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: 1 "AT+CCLK?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CCLK?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: GSM_GetDateTime failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:42:45: Leaving GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: 1 "AT+CSQ" Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: 2 "+CSQ: 20, 99" Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1D/29 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|51Q|3A:|20 |322 AT+CSQ...+CSQ: 2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: 300|2C,|20 |399|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A 0, 99....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: Signal quality info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: Parsing +CSQ: 20, 99 with +CSQ: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: Parsed int 20 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: Parsed int 99 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: Entering GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: Getting battery charge Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D AT+CBC.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: 1 "AT+CBC" Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: 2 "+CBC: 0,310" Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1C/28 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|42B|43C|3A:|20 |300 AT+CBC...+CBC: 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: 2C,|333|311|300|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ,310....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: Battery level received Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: Parsing +CBC: 0,310 with +CBC: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: Parsed int 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: Parsed int 310 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: Leaving GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: Entering GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: Getting date & time Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D AT+CCLK?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: 1 "AT+CCLK?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CCLK?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: GSM_GetDateTime failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:16: Leaving GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: Entering GSM_GetMemoryStatus Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: Setting memory type Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|53S|4DM|22"|0D AT+CPBS="SM".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: 1 "AT+CPBS="SM"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|53S|4DM|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPBS="SM"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: GSM_GetMemoryStatus failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: Leaving GSM_GetMemoryStatus Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: Entering GSM_GetNextMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: Starting reading! Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: Location = -1, Memory type = SM Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: Setting memory type Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|53S|4DM|22"|0D AT+CPBS="SM".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: 1 "AT+CPBS="SM"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|53S|4DM|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPBS="SM"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: GSM_GetNextMemory failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: Leaving GSM_GetNextMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: Entering GSM_GetMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: Location = 1, Memory type = SM Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: Setting memory type Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|53S|4DM|22"|0D AT+CPBS="SM".
Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: 1 "AT+CPBS="SM"" Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|42B|53S|3D=|22"|53S|4DM|22"|0D |0D |0A |45E AT+CPBS="SM"...E Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: 52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A RROR..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: GSM_GetMemory failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:23: Leaving GSM_GetMemory Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: 1 "AT+CSQ" Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: 2 "+CSQ: 20, 99" Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1D/29 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|51Q|3A:|20 |322 AT+CSQ...+CSQ: 2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: 300|2C,|20 |399|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A 0, 99....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: Signal quality info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: Parsing +CSQ: 20, 99 with +CSQ: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: Parsed int 20 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: Parsed int 99 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: Entering GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: Getting battery charge Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D AT+CBC.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: 1 "AT+CBC" Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: 2 "+CBC: 0,310" Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1C/28 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|42B|43C|3A:|20 |300 AT+CBC...+CBC: 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: 2C,|333|311|300|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ,310....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: Battery level received Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: Parsing +CBC: 0,310 with +CBC: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: Parsed int 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: Parsed int 310 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: Leaving GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: Entering GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: Getting date & time Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:45: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D AT+CCLK?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:46: 1 "AT+CCLK?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:46: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:46: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:46: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CCLK?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:46: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:46: GSM_GetDateTime failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:43:46: Leaving GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: Entering GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: Getting signal quality info Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D AT+CSQ.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: 1 "AT+CSQ" Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: 2 "+CSQ: 20, 99" Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1D/29 Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|51Q|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|51Q|3A:|20 |322 AT+CSQ...+CSQ: 2 Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: 300|2C,|20 |399|399|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A 0, 99....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: Signal quality info received Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: Parsing +CSQ: 20, 99 with +CSQ: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: Parsed int 20 Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: Parsed int 99 Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: Leaving GSM_GetSignalQuality Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: Entering GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: Getting battery charge Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x07/7 Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D AT+CBC.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: 1 "AT+CBC" Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: 2 "+CBC: 0,310" Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: 3 "OK" Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1C/28 Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|42B|43C|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|42B|43C|3A:|20 |300 AT+CBC...+CBC: 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: 2C,|333|311|300|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A ,310....OK..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: Battery level received Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: Parsing +CBC: 0,310 with +CBC: @i, @i Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: Parsed int 0 Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: Parsed int 310 Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: Leaving GSM_GetBatteryCharge Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: Entering GSM_GetDateTime Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: Getting date & time Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9 Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D AT+CCLK?.
Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: 1 "AT+CCLK?" Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: 2 "ERROR" Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x12/18 Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: 41A|54T|2B+|43C|43C|4CL|4BK|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO|52R AT+CCLK?...ERROR Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: 0D |0A ..
Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: GSM_GetDateTime failed with error NOTSUPPORTED[21]: Function not supported by phone. Mon 2012/05/21 16:44:16: Leaving GSM_GetDateTime


Criado por jake em 22 de Maio de 2012 às 03:46.

Testado com o Gammu 1.30.0.